Henry Kimm2 b 19 Sept 1825 village of Sand, province of Hesse
Kassel Germany son of Jacob Conrad Kimm1 and Anna Elizabeth Welner d
24 July 1901 bur Swedenburg (Lenox) Cem south of Norway Ia m (1) about 1852
Elizabeth Klippel d about 1860 bur Utica NY (2) about 1861 Mary Klippel b 29 Nov
1819 d 15 Oct 1885 bur Swedenburg Cem (3) about 1886 Susan
d 1886 (4) 20 Jan 1887 Norway Ia Catherine Elizabeth Seizer b 15 June
1862 village of Sand, Germany dau of George Seizer d 15 Dec 1941 bur Swedenburg
Children Kimm/E. Klippel b Utica NY
Susan Kimm3 b 17 Apr 1854
1.4.2 August
Silas3 b 5 Nov 1856
1.4.3 Silas
Kimm3 b 25 Oct 1857
1.4.4 Mary Kimm3 b 1
Sept 1859 d 3 Oct 1877
Anna Caroline Kimm3 b 21 Feb 1862 Utica NY
1.4.6 Elizabeth
Kimm3 b 31 Jan 1863 Utica NY
1.4.7 David
Kimm3 b 18 Nov 1867 Norway Ia
Children Kimm/Selzer b rural Norway Ia
Fredrick George Kimm3 b 22 Oct 1887
Anna Caroline Kimm3 b 29 Apr 1889
1.4.10 Jacob Carl Kimm3 b 12 Aug 1892
1.4.11 Frieda Mary Kimm3 b 16 Aug
There is confusion about the wives of Henry. His daughter, Anna Kimm Volt, told Irma Grigsby he had four: Elizabeth Klippel, Mary Klippel, Susan, and Catherine Seizer. August Warneke left a record stating four wives but listed Catherine Klippel, Elizabeth Byreley, a third wife unnamed but childless, and Catherine.
According to Anna Volt, Henry came to the United States in 1843. He married Elizabeth Klippel in New York. She was the daughter of Conrad Klippel who was a shoemaker. Elizabeth and Henry had four children: Susan, August Silas, Silas and Mary. Elizabeth died a few months after Mary was born. A cousin of Elizabeth, Mary Klippel, came to help Henry and they married.
In the Years to Remember Watkins Centennial Book, page 150, the story is told of Henry and Mary and their family moving to Iowa from New York with oxen and covered wagon. They moved to a farm two miles north and two miles east of Norway in the year 1867. Henry bought and sold two farms before he bought land on the west edge of Watkins, Iowa. He purchased 203 ½ acres in 1879 from the Clements Estate of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, for $5,500. The Northwestern Railroad was issued an easement for a strip of right-of-way from east to west on the farm.
Anna Volt listed Annie Caroline, Elizabeth (Eliza) and David as children of Henry and Mary. Elizabeth's death certificate (obtained by Gerry Harderson) lists Anna Byerly as her mother. Dorothea Bochmann found marriage records of Elizabeth and Annie Caroline in Ida County, Iowa. Elizabeth's mother was listed as Catherine Burly and Annie Caroline's mother was listed as Elizabeth Byerly. Silas was a witness to both marriages. His obituary listed his mother as Mary Klippel, as did a 1958 letter to Silas' second wife, Leota, from Anna Volt.
Relatives believe David Kimm (seventh child of Henry) was born after the family moved to Iowa so his mother would be Mary. They remember that his birth was soon after the family's arrival. He referred to Elizabeth and Annie Caroline as his sisters, not half-sisters.
Very little is known about Susan who died a few months after their marriage. Henry's wives were said to be German born. He paid passage for Catherine Seizer and her father, George, to come to the United States with the agreement that Katie would marry him. They married 20 Jan 1887. Katie's sister, Anna Seizer, married Martin Kimm and came to Iowa in 1866. Henry and Katie had four children: Fredrick George, Anna Caroline, Jacob Carl and Frieda Mary.
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