Leonhart Kimm
Leonhart Kimm2 b 23 Sept 1822 village of Sand, province of
Hesse Kassel, Germany son of Jacob Conrad Kimml and Anna Elitabeth Welner d 15
Oct 1857 bur Meeting House Green Cem Winfield NY m Charlotte (Letty) Klippel b
Sand Germany dau of Conrad H. Klippel
Children Kimm b Winfield NY
1.3.2 Leonard Kimm3 b 16 Nov 1857
Leonhart Kimm, according to the Herkimer Co. N.Y. census of 1855, worked as a servant for the Nathan Hardin family. He was thirty-two years old and had lived in the township one year. It is a sad story that he died a month before his son, Leonard, was born. Charlotte later married David Metzger and they lived at Mohawk, New York. They had two sons and a daughter; some of this family visited Leonard's family in Blairstown several summers.
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