The Book of Kimm
Jacob Kimm
1.8 Jacob Kimm2 b 4 Apr 1843 village of Sand, province of Hesse Kassel
Germany son of Jacob Conrad Kimm and Anna Elizabeth Welner d 2 Apr 1918 Pine
City Wash m (1) Katherine Ring (2) 10 Apr 1868 Magdelena (Lena) Eubel b 24 Dec
1846 d 9 Apr 1897 bur Sicily Grove Cem Fairfax Ia (3) 15 Oct 1898 Cedar Rapids
Ia Sarah Margaret Laughery Davis b 7 Apr 1862 Lee County Ia dau of Thomas
Laughery and Mary Dean d 29 Mar 1947 Pine City Wash
Child Kimm/Ring
1.8.1 Silas Conrad Kimm3 b 2 July 1862 Curtis Herkimer Co NYChildren Kimm/Eubel
1.8.2 Leonard Silas Kimm3 b 13 Jan 1868 Lenox Twp, Ia Co Ia
1.8.3 Anna Catherine Kimm3 b 13 Sept 1870 Norway Ia Benton Co Ia
1.8.4 Johanna Margaret Kimm3 b 5 Oct 1872 Florence Twp Benton Co Ia
1.8.5 Milo William Kimm3 b 13 Mar 1875
1.8.6 Louis Franklin Kimm3 b 15 Mar 1877 Flint River Twp Des Moines Co Ia
1.8.7 Rosa Louisa Kimm3 b 21 Nov 1878 Flint River Twp Des Moines Co Ia
1.8.8 Winfield Washington Kimm3 b 4 Dec 1880 upper Loutre near Colfax Ia
1.8.9 Milford Henry Kimm3 b 17 Feb 1883 Wellsville Mo
1.8.10 Ida Julia Kimm3 b 8 Dec 1884 St Claire Twp Benton Co Ia d l Jan1893 bur Sicily Grove Cem
1.8.11 Jesse Jacob Kimm3 b 7 Dec 1886 St Claire Twp Benton Co IaChildren Kimm/Laughery Davis
1.8.12 Elmer Phillip Kimm3 b 26 Dec 1899 Fairfax Ia d 26 Sept 1901
1.8.13 Reuben Kenneth Kimm3 b 12 Oct 1902 Pine City Wash
1.8.14 Kermit Vivian Kimm3 b 25 Apr 1904 Pine City WashStepchildren
Effie Mary Alice Davis b 5 Jan 1884
Sarah Luella Davis b 17 Apr 1885
Esther Ellen Davis b 24 Apr 1887
Ada Agness Davis b 7 Jan 1889
Waiter Allen Davis b 12 Sept 1890
Clara Belle Davis b 3 Aug 1892
James Alfred Davis b 19 May 1894
No written proof has been found of Jacob's marriage to Katherine Ring in
Herkimer County, New York, or of his son, Silas Conrad's birth. Since Silas
Conrad used the name of Kimm and referred to his parents in written newspaper
articles as Jacob and Katherine Kimm, we are listing Katherine as his first
wife. His second wife, Magdalena (Lena) Eubel's last name is more frequently
spelled Ibel. The spelling of Eubel is used here because that is the spelling on
her tombstone.
Jacob was wounded during the Civil War, resulting in amputation of his leg. After his release from the Army, he enrolled at Urbana University in Ohio for a seminary course in the Swedenburg religion.
Jacob and Lena had ten children; nine of them were born in various parts of
Iowa, the tenth in Missouri. Jacob probably preached in many locations during
those years. He also farmed.
He married Sarah, a widow with seven children, after Lena died. He and Sarah had
three more children after they moved to Pine City, Washington. He built a
church, the Church of New Jerusalem, and farmed in Pine City.
Jacob Kimm
as told to Elma Jean Kimm Edwards4 by her father Reuben Kenneth Kimm3
"Jacob's family were farmers. One reason for coming to the United States
was brother Henry shot some illegal deer on the Baron's Estate in Germany. There
was some trouble over this. The family decided to leave Germany and come to the
United States. At that time, the United States was paying German immigrants'
passage to the United States.
Jacob Kimm Jr remembers his father saying to him on the trip over, "Today Jake, you are six years old."
Evidently the family had friends in New York. When landing, the immigration
officer asked their name in German which was Kimmie. The officer said,
"Let's shorten that name to Kimm." Grandmother replied, "That's a
much nicer name." So Kimmie became Kimm at that time. This was in 1849.
The family first settled around Cedar Falls, New York. Jacob enlisted in the
Union Army when he was 18 or 19. He had his leg shot off when he was a lad of
19. He was reading the Bible under a tree when a stray bullet (mine-ball) hit
him in the knee. The Union Army was out of drugs so they strapped him on a
stretcher and sawed his leg off. We presume he was a big boy; about 180 pounds.
Without the proper medical help, the leg bone split and for years those bone
splinters would work out through the stump. After being released from the army
he had around $500. He enrolled in Urbana University in Ohio where he took a
seminary course in the Swedenberg religion. This is an offshoot from the
Lutheran Church. In those days, the Bible was translated in Greek and several
other languages. Jacob learned to read and write about five languages while
In 1868 Jacob married Lena Eubel. She was Jewish. They had about a 200-acre farm near Cedar Rapids. Evidently Jacob preached locally. Some of his brothers and sisters lived around Cedar Rapids. After Lena died, he married Sarah Margaret Laughery Davis. Sarah had seven children. Sarah and her children were living in Shueyville, Iowa, on a small farm. Before his marriage to Sarah, Jacob had lived in Missouri.
Jacob's daughter, Anna, married William Harthill who also was Swedenborgian (Churchof
New Jerusalem). Anna and William came to Pine City and soon Jacob and his family
joined them. We think Anna arrived in 1896 or 1897, as in 1898 Jacob sold the
farm in Iowa and came west. They landed in Sunset, Washington. Their farm
equipment was shipped by rail. Jacob bought 160 acres joining Anna and Wm.
Harthill's near Pine City for $800. He later added to this until he had 720
acres. He had the money because the church ladies in Iowa were very anxious for
him to come west and build a new church. Grandmother Kimm said he could have had
$$$$ if he would have accepted it from the church ladies. Jacob built a house in
Pine City and, with neighbors help, a church, the
Church of New Jerusalem, a
community church.
The church was hit by lightning at one time and partially burned down. It was rebuilt. The family attended church there until 1919 or so. Shortly after arriving in Palouse Country, Jacob asked some Indians camped by the Pine City bridge for a spotted pony. He had promised the Davis kids that when they reached the west he would buy them a spotted pony. Jacob bought the pony for $5.50. Pinto stayed with the family for years. She died from stepping on a nail when she was 18 years old.
Around 1920, Jacob suffered a stroke. He could no longer read, but wrote a good hand even though he couldn't read his writing. After his stroke he couldn't preach but ran the farm. The farm was leased to his sons Milford, Winnie, and son-in-law, Wm. Harthill. Of his children, Jesse was the only one to attend college.
Jacob had epilepsy. Because of this Grandmother Kimm, Kenneth and Kermit
stayed close by.
Jacob died during a series of strokes. During World War I he never had a desire for Germany to win."
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