The Book of Kimm
William Silas Kimm - eighth child of Silas Kimm
1.6.8 William Silas Kimm3 b 15 June 1881 Norway Benton Co Ia son of Silas
Kimm2 and Katharina Engel d 24 June 1967 Cedar Rapids Ia bur Jesup Ia m 25 Oct
1912 Sisseton S Dak Annie Virginia Hoard b 18 Sept 1888 Minneapolis Mn dau of
John Hoard and Mary Jane Best
Children Kimm b Norway Ia Eleanor Margaret4 b 27 Apr 1913 Raymond William4 b 1 Mar 1915 Charles Clement4 b 3 Nov 1916 d 5 Apr 1939 Jesup, Ia Kathryn Bernice4 b 2 Sept 1918 Edward Stanley4 b 30 Apr 1921 Janet Regina4 b 5 Nov 1922 Charlotte Anna4 b 29 Oct 1924 Robert Hoard4 b 13 May 1927
From Eleanor Kimm Wayson, daughter of William and Annie Kimm:
"William Silas Kimm was a cattle buyer and a farmer. His farm was located 2 miles from Walford, Iowa. His wife, Annie Virginia Hoard left the Catholic faith when she married.
William, Annie and his parents, Silas and Katharina Kimm visited the Amana
Colonies often as they knew many of the German people that lived there. Walford,
Iowa, which was close to them, was made up mostly of Bohemian people from the
old country.
Between 1920 to 1932 there was a lot of prosperity, panic and depression. 300 banks in Iowa closed. 1929 was the Stock Market Crash and in 1932, corn was sold for 10 cents a bushel and hogs were 2 cents a pound. Thousands of people lost their jobs and had to stand in line for hours waiting for their names to be called for jobs, just to be able to eat. William lost his farm in 1932, due to the depression, but in 1935, he was able to purchase a farm near Jesup with money that he inherited. Eleanor Margaret Kimm4 b 27 Apr 1913 Norway Benton Co Ia dau of William Kimm3 and Annie Hoard m 18 May 1938 Klemme Ia Carl Howard Wayson b 23 Jan 1915 Vinton Ia d 12 July 1978 Rochester Mn bur St. Johns Cem Independence Ia son of James Wayson and Cynthia Dine Carl
Children Wayson b Independence Ia Sharon5 b 26 Aug 1940 Cheryl5 b 13 May 1943 Sheila5 b 8 Oct 1947
Eleanor met Carl Wayson at Jesup where Carl was playing the piano. They dated for three years and on May 18, 1938, they were secretly married. They both went back to their parents' house as they didn't have enough money to live on. They were to get a job shucking corn for 2 cents a bushel. Six months later, they announced to their families that they were married. They were able to find an apartment for $1.00 a week. Carl found a job as a tree trimmer and Eleanor got a job washing dishes for 10 cents an hour, working from 11:00 P.M, till 7:00 A.M, She was able to quit work in 1939 when Carl got a job at Independence Produce for 25 cents an hour, In 1942, he went to work for Path Packing Co. and at the time of his death he had been with John Deere for many years. Sharon Wayson5 b 26 Aug 1940 dau of Carl Wayson and Eleanor Kimm4 m John Herman
Children Herman Deborah6 b 2_ Apr 1963 Christopher6 b 2 Feb 1967 Mark6 b 24 Aug 1971 Cheryl Wayson5 b 13 May 1943 Independence Ia dau of Carl Wayson and Eleanor Kimm4 m (1) Commander Forbes H Smith 15 July 1965 Chicago Ill (2) Peter M Canakkas 15 July 1973 St Louis MO (3) Gregory Dopson 11 Nov 1978
Child Smith Carl6Child Canakkas Casey6 b 7 Aug 1974 Sheila Wayson5 b 8 Oct 1947 Independence Ia dau of Carl Wayson and Eleanor Kimm4 m 15 July 1967 Independence la m (1) Stephen Nobholz (2) LaVerne Wilkinson (3) William Cool
Child Nobholz Stephanie6 b 3 Oct 1968Child Wilkinson Josh6 b 1 Nov 1973 Raymond Kimm4 b 5 Mar 1915 Norway Ia second child of William Kimm3 and Annie Hoard d 16 Dec 1964 Cedar Falls Ia of a heart attack bur Parkersburg Ia m (1) Eleanor Goldhart (annulled) (2) Virginia Wilson
Child Kimm Brice5 b 4 June 1950
Ray graduated from the midshipman's reserve school of Abbott Hall, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
From a letter from Raymond Kimm while stationed at Pearl Harbor:
"I awoke to the sound of anti-aircraft guns, the roar of planes shattering glass and the rocking of the ship. Being only half awake, I thought it rather early for practice; I jumped up, pulled on my trousers and one shoe. By that time, I heard the boys outside my room hollering "Jap Raid." The ship was listing. I went back into my room and got my life jacket. A lot of the boys were in the water, but some were hesitating. Down in the water I went, the earliest morning swim I have ever taken. I thought maybe the Utah would suck me under. Finally, I got to the key, the thing that the ship is tied to and I clung there for hours. From there, a boat took me to shore and later to a hospital." (His feet were burned and his nose was broken.) Ray was a 21-year veteran of the Navy Reserve and saw 7½ years of active duty during World War II and the Korean War. He went in as an Ensign and worked up to Commander. Kathryn Kimm4 was an Army Nurse. She served 6 years in the Korean Theater where she was injured on the battlefield. She would go right on the fields to get the injured. She herself was injured in a jeep accident. She had a hole in her back that she had operated on twice for bone surgery. She died in 1967 in California. Edward Stanley Kimm4 b 30 Apr 1921 Norway Ia son of William Kimm3 and Annie Hoard m 25 Apr 1975 Janis Wickie
Children Kimm Terry Edward5 died in infancy Michele Sue Kimm5 b 26 Mar 1949 Kathryn Key Kimm5 b 15 Feb 1951 Michele Sue Kimm5 b 26 Mar 1949 dau of Edward Stanley Kimm4 and Janis Wickie m 19 June 1971 Randall Scott Dennis b 7 Aug 1949
Child Dennis Jason Randall Dennis6 b 7 Feb 1982 Kathryn Kay Kimm5 b 15 Feb 1951 dau of Edward Stanley Kimm4 and Janis Wickie m 19 May 1979 Dennis Jay Paul Grabowski b 25 July 1954
Child Grabowski Dustin Jacob Grabowski6 b 25 Aug 1982 Charlotte Anna Kimm4 b 29 Oct 1924 Norway Ia dau of William Kimm3 and Annie Hoard m 19 Nov 1946 Waldo Hessenius
Child Hessenius Charles5 b 19 Sept 1960
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